Wednesday, August 10, 2016

I am going to fast for 21 days and this is where I will log what happens. From the 11th through the 31st of August 2016 I am only going to drink water. No food, no vitamins and no supplements. In this time I am figuring I will lose 20 pounds of fat and reset my taste buds. I have lived off of fat, salt and sugar for 43 years. I need to get off that junk.

Physically and mentally I am a wreck and always have been. I am overweight and all points of my mental health are broken. If you looked in my mouth you will see most of my teeth are broken stumps that hurt. This state of being has made me highly suicidal. I am constantly exhausted and cannot focus or remember even basic information. I have no career and only a self-taught education so I am broke and always on the edge of homelessness. Everything that society says I need to do is out of reach because I do not have the money. I cannot keep a job or get promotions because I feel like I am dying every waking second of my life so the very idea of focusing is not possible. I have three choices now. Live like this, kill myself or change.

I have been researching change and it's all bullshit designed to separate people from their money. Self-improvement is nothing but marketing. To get on a program you better open your wallet. To get medical care you better open your wallet. If you do it on your own you will be at the will of bad slogans and advice from people who are barely keeping it together better than you are. I have decided to listen to my instincts and they are screaming at me that food is the poison that is slowly killing me and making my life hell in the process. Research has shown me the moderation myth has a terrible record of success and I am not one to do moderation. I was ready to give in then I learned about Ray Cronise and he flipped a switch in my head.
I will not give you details on his research but you can Google and learn. What he has to say about eating and the overfeeding of modern humans rings true so I will make a huge change and hope this is what I need.

The human body has evolved to live without food for long periods of time. The body is perfectly adjusted for regular bouts of foodlessness. Fasting does not shut down your metabolism. It does not cause you to lost a lot of muscle. It does not leave you without your vitamins. You are thinking about starving. I recommend you Google this because others can explain it better.

As I fast I will lose excess body fat, take the energy usually used for digestion and put it toward healing my body and reset my taste buds. I will keep a very close eye on how I am feeling and do not plan on being a hero. If I even get the slightest inkling I am harming myself I will eat. I won't jump to my old diet instead I will eat only potatoes for the rest of the program. I will fight like hell to not be the guy I am now.

I will track my weight, measurements, and feelings daily. I look forward to this. I am excited. This is a grand gesture and a true change that will slap my head and force me to accept change.

So everyday I will post my numbers and my feeling and see where this goes. Of course knowing me I will do the fast but not post anymore. I hope I do.

Keep your arguments to yourself. Your science sucks.